Costa Coffee Club.
Lifting the lockdown mood

Connecting through empathy
We turned a tactical trading initiative into an ongoing customer programme. Covid-19 broke everyday habits for Costa Coffee customers. With the lifting of the first lockdown Costa Coffee needed customers, both current and new, to start visiting again. They briefed us on a give away free coffee to get people back in store. However, our insight told us not all customers were ready to go back. In fact, cafes sat bottom of the list for ‘where are you going first’. With 2/3 of members using a physical loyalty card and fewer people on the streets we needed to make up lost revenue by acquiring new customers.
Keep them coming back for more
As the mood started to lift, creatively we highlighted the humorous lockdown struggles we all went through, to position Costa Coffee as the reward we all deserve. Of course, handing out free coffee is a costly method. So our journey needed to keep customers coming back. Thinking in habits and patterns led us one step further, where we added data-driven targeting to activate a powerful customer flywheel. We let loyal customers know about free coffee waiting in the Costa Coffee app. All they had to do was log in. This set off a triggered journey to drive repeat purchase and referral cycle.

Here, There & Everywhere
At the same time, across point of sale, OOH, display, radio and social, we captured the nation’s attention to help acquire new customers, supercharging our triggered journeys cycle, in turn acquiring more and more customers to the Costa Coffee app.