Interesting Tech #6: GladCloud

GladCloud gives brands the ability to centrally manage multiple social media accounts. It can create, publish and promote content through partner or affiliate accounts in organic or paid placements. It also reports on the effectiveness of activity across multiple accounts & social channels in one dashboard, to allow you to reallocate spend, or adjust messaging in real time.

Why should you care?

Central management of brand social channels is difficult. Follower numbers can be hard to grow, engagement hard won, the management & effectiveness of content calendars complex to plan. For brands like Coca-Cola or Guinness, who sell to multiple customers, in multiple geographies, it is almost impossible to do through a single ‘global’ account.

It give Guinness the ability to create, promote and track performance of a messages coming from your local pub. Likewise Coca-Cola could deliver a product giveaway through your favourite influencer, local newsagent and Tesco as one campaign.

Closer to home, we all know nudges from trusted local communities, peers or influencers (online or offline) are more effective in changing behaviours. GladCloud could give us the ability to centrally co-ordinate and report on the effectiveness of these nudges in social media… without the need to invest in growing new social communities of our own. Could the BetterHealth, SkillsForLife and PlanForJobs programmes all be delivered in social channels without the need for their own accounts?

Check them out at

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