Science in Sport
You can’t beat science

You can’t beat science
We were asked by Science in Sport to develop a new brand platform that would make it stand out to endurance sport enthusiasts – the sorts of people who go on 100-mile cycles on a Sunday morning, or train for multiple marathons or triathlons a year. The platform needed to demonstrate that SiS was a cut above its competition, due to the rigorous research into fuelling and recovery it employs to produce its energy products.
To gain insight, we carried out focus groups with the audience. The research showed that their biggest driver for training wasn’t winning competitions against others, but rather, winning competitions against themselves. Achieving more “personal bests” made endurance training worthwhile and they wanted only the best nutritional support to help them get to that next level.
To demonstrate how Science in Sport has exactly the unmatched track record endurance sport enthusiasts need to trust its products, while tapping into the audience’s challenge-driven mindset, we landed on the brand platform ‘You can’t beat science’, which debuts in a this print campaign.
A series of black and white executions depicts real athletes competing, each with a headline that brings the new brand platform to life, and science-inspired art direction and typography.